“God I love the word Crone!”
The definition of crone is weighted, carrying with it all the negative stereotypes related to female aging. In our world, crone translates into decades of accumulated power and wisdom making NOW the best season of our lives!
Croneology is a six-week, online, round table for women over 50 where we’ll take a deep dive into all those out of bounds, “age appropriate”, and cringe-worthy topics from the practical to the mystical that we’re not supposed to discuss in polite company.
I am Janet Bertolus I would not only be thrilled, but honored if you would join us in Croneology.
[krōn-ŏʹlə-jist] n
1) a wise woman who animates what is possible
2) a woman for whom time does not apply

What the heck is Croneology?
Intelligent, funny, revelatory conversations
about being a woman of a certain age.
“Picture a round table of women desiring to ripen into their full expression to the point of falling from the vine and becoming seeds for the next generation ... such is the energy during Croneology.”
- Joanie

meet your croneologists
I’m Janet
Janet Bertolus
While other women’s bodies were busy making babies, my uterus was growing fibroids. Eleven to be exact! That started my decades-long quest to find answers to all of my questions around women’s reproductive health, and at the time, (the early 90’s) the pickings were slim.
I read every book, tried countless remedies, consulted with tens of “experts”, went holistic, Eastern, Western, & homeopathic, until at age 57, I had a hysterectomy.
All that being said, it is the least interesting thing about me.
When I’m not mentoring women, you can find me traveling around the world on the back of a motorcycle.
“I LOVE the group. I did not think I would like it, let alone love it. I do well with women in ones and twos but these woman are all so different and I can’t wait to hear each of their perspectives!!”